Well Well Well, this was Homecoming(: It was super de duper fun . I went with Spencer Harcastle, We have known eachother since we were kiddies . But anywho, for the day activity [which i don't have any pictures of] we went and saw "Lake View Terrace" and i thought it was a pretty good movie. Then at night we went too Alex's house and took pictures, then went to "The Old Spaggeti Factory" [i know i did not spell that right!] then too the dance ! It was just a fun filled night and i had a lot of fun at my first actual dance. &i will be sixteen in three days, go me.
My very first BYU game ! WOOT ! It was sooo fun . I sat by Marcus, Brittany, Lynn, &Cerise ! It was a way cool experience, i had tonz of fun, even tho it was suppppa hot ! but thats okay(: so yeah thanks Brittany & Marcus for answering all my questions about football, it was so amazing too see it in person..... let's just say it's a little different than watching it on t.v. (: A BIG thanks too Katie and T.J. for drivin me there, and takin me too sweet E.Z. Take Out Burger . It was Awesome:D I love you guys sooooo much.