Thursday, April 17, 2008

"just because..."

i haven't posted in quite a while, and i decided i am going to blame it on how boring my life is, and i can't really take pictures of some of the most funniest stuff that happens to me.... i have been spending a unusual amount of time jumping on the tramp.. maybe i can have a work out on the tramp or learn some kool tricks, and trust me if i do, i will take some SWEEET pics. i will be updating more ASAP ... but for now, it's boringg timee .


Wendy said...

Yae! Kenzie you are the cutest!

Whitney :) said...

haha. yeah, yesterday i was just thinking..what the heck. kenz. you need to post. lol.

by the way cute pic. i always try to do pics like, in the corner..but it never works out. and you always look so cute. no fair. :D. hehe.